Silent Transformation
Sea level is rising. How will humans coexist with the sea in the future? Silent Transformation is a dance performance that explores our imagination of aquatic creatures, how to slow down and looking beyond our own human experience. While experimenting with movement, (light)costumes and sound, we are exploring different ways of being underwater.
“Transformation literally means going beyond your form.” Wayne Dyer
Dancers: Marinke Eijgenraam, Lela di Costanzo, Rachele Chinellato, Camilla Bundel, Lili Kok
Music: Nicholas Thayer
Camera: Nicholas Burrough
Edit: Giorgio de Bruijn
The video was part of the exhibition ‘Never again a disaster like in 1953’ in the Flood Museum in Zeeland, June 2 to September 15, 2023. The live performance Silent Transformation was also shown during the opening.
The live performance was part of the Wonderlicht Festival in Alkmaar, 17 t/m 19 February 2023
Muziek: Nicholas Thayer
Rosa Allessie
Carmela di Costanzo
Rachele Chinellato
Lil Kok
Halte 6
Marinke Eijgenraam
Anastasiya Dunayevska